C.J. O'Leary

Front End Web Developer

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1Employee Directory

Image of an Employee Directory website


An employee directory created by communicating with a third-party API using JavaScript. Employees can be filtered by name using the search bar. Clicking on an employee card activates a modal overlay displaying more info.

GitHub Repo

OOP Game Show App 2

Image of an OOP Game Show App website


"Name That Movie From '99" is a word guessing game for desktop screens. Using JavaScript and Object-Oriented Programming, a random, hidden movie title from 1999 is selected which a player tries to guess by clicking letters on an onscreen keyboard or by pressing physical keyboard buttons.

GitHub Repo

3Interactive Form

Image of an Interactive Form website


A responsive registration form using a wide variety of HTML form input types and attributes. JavaScript is used to validate the form in real time and to provide the user with helpful error messages and indications.

GitHub Repo

Paginated Student Directory 4

Image of a Paginated Student Directory website


A student directory created by pulling information from an array and dynamically adding the HTML markup using JavaScript. Pagination is included to display a fixed amount of students per page. The directory can be filtered by student name using the search bar. The pagination buttons update as the user searches to reflect the number of search results.

GitHub Repo

5Random Quote Generator

Image of a Random Quote Generator website


This application pulls random movie quotes from an array and displays them on the page. A new quote is displayed every 10 seconds or the user can push a button to display a new quote.

GitHub Repo

Web App Dashboard 6

Image of a Web App Dashboard website


An interactive dashboard for a web application using SVG graphics and JavaScript programming. The project involved creating tables, charts, graphics and other user interface components in a manner that promotes interactivity and usability.

GitHub Repo

7Interactive Photo Gallery

Image of an Interactive Photo Gallery website


This interactive photo gallery features a jQuery search filter and clickable thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail activates a lightbox plugin displaying the larger photo with a caption.

GitHub Repo

Web Style Guide8

Image of a Web Style Guide website


After being provided the HTML and CSS markup, I converted the CSS into Sass by splitting the code into several Sass partial files. Repeated CSS values were stored in Sass variables and mixins

GitHub Repo

9Online Registration Form

Image of an Online Registration Form website


A responsive registration form using a wide variety of HTML form input types and attributes. Using the supplied mockup files, I built a mobile and desktop version of the form using media queries and the mobile-first approach.

GitHub Repo
Image of C.J. O'Leary


C.J. O'Leary is a self-taught front end web developer based in Denver, CO. After a long career in the sports industry where he worked in game presentation and promotions, he decided to invest in himself and pursue the development of 21st century skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is excited to bring his past experiences and new skillset to the process of building interactive and engaging websites.

In his free time C.J. enjoys the Colorado outdoors, movies, Cleveland and Ohio State sports, and all things nerdy in pop culture.

Certification: Shopify Theme Development

Certification: Cypress End-to-End Testing

Certification: Front End Web Development

Certification: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures


  • Shopify/Liquid
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Cypress
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Sass
  • PHP

Dev Tools

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • FileZilla
  • MySQL
  • GitHub
